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Holistic Complex Reality (3)

We now give a slightly more detailed explanation of the significance of the four diagonal polarities (bisecting each of the four quadrants).

Once again these can be given a dual interpretation (a) as complex coordinates, with both real and imaginary aspects equal (representing their identity as phenomenal form) and (b) as null limes = 0, (representing their corresponding identity as spiritual emptiness). And in dynamic terms both of these aspects are now equivalent to each other in a relative manner.

Now, we will take the two complementary polarities firstly along the diagonal line that bisects both the UR (Upper Right) and LL (Lower Left) quadrants respectively.

The complex polarity (in the UR quadrant) is represented by k (+ 1 + i), where k = 1/√2.

As I am identifying the Upper quadrants with "higher" understanding of a refined cognitive manner, this thereby relates to external rational type appreciation of a purely refined intuitive kind.
In fact the equality of real and imaginary aspects implies that a significant balance as between both the rational (conscious) and intuitive (unconscious) aspects can be maintained. So meaning attaches here neither to either aspect (considered as separate) but rather to the direct spiritual identity common to both.

The external aspect (corresponding to the UR quadrant) relates to a refined holistic mathematical appreciation of the nature of physical reality (where both quantitative and qualitative aspects are dynamically balanced).

Such understanding in fact represents the final bridge in phenomenal terms to the pure transcendent appreciation of spiritual reality (which is experienced directly as spiritual emptiness).

At the other complementary extreme (in the LL quadrant), represented by k(– 1 – i), we have at an affective level, internal instinctive experience of the most immediate physical kind.

Thus the whole point of development now is to ultimately be able to switch as between these two extremes in a harmonious manner.

However at this stage, such smooth switching ability is not yet automatic with the still - to a degree - involuntary nature of physical response setting a limit to pure transcendent spiritual experience that is free of any residual cognitive rigidity.

Then in the UR quadrant, represented by k(– 1 + i) we have the internal understanding in holistic mathematical terms of the nature of psychological reality. This is balanced in turn by the external emission of physical instinctive impulses (in the complementary LR quadrant) represented by k(+ 1 – i).

Of course a high degree of horizontal complementarity as between external and internal aspects at both the "higher" spiritual and "lower" physical levels is also very much in evidence.

Likewise, as we have seen a high degree of complementarity as between "real" (conscious) and "imaginary" conscious modes is in evidence.

However a certain rigidity in personality still persists, where both cognitive and affective aspects cannot yet be brought into full balance.

In a somewhat typical male fashion, in my case the cognitive function (which was heavily associated with "higher" level experience) was still tending to dominate the affective function (which now increasingly had become associated  with the "lower" level impulses of the physical self).

So again the final ascent to the summit (in the pure transcendent experience of spiritual emptiness) increasingly began to resemble the final stages of climbing Mount Everest. Thus, coming ever close to this spiritual goal was to lead to growing conflict with respect to a physical self, ever more in rebellion against the severity of the contemplative discipline required.


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