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Band 5 - Psychological Development (6)

It is my contention that all primitive instincts are rooted in prime number behaviour (when properly understood in a dynamic interactive manner).

So we have seen the paradox of prime numbers. Both individually and collective we can view them in quantitative terms as the "building blocks" of the natural numbers. However equally in reverse fashion, we can view the primes as being determined through the qualitative interdependence of the natural numbers!

It is similar with primitive instinctive behaviour, where both conscious (specific) and unconscious (holistic) aspects are necessarily intertwined.

Primitive confusion - as in earliest childhood - arises through a failure to distinguish the specific from the holistic meaning of phenomena. This in turn is due to the fact that as conscious structures have not yet been successfully differentiated in experience, therefore corresponding (unconscious) integration cannot properly take place.

And this is why primitive behaviour is necessarily involuntary in nature, as both quantitative (conscious) and qualitative (unconscious) aspects remain completely intertwined with each other.

In fact, once again there are complementary parallels here with physical nature, where at the sub-atomic quantum level, nature behaves in an increasingly "primitive" fashion.

In other words - though we are not yet accustomed to looking at reality in this manner - specific particles cannot be properly distinguished from the holistic interactive environment in which they emerge.

So the quantitative aspect (as independent phenomena) still remains greatly confused with the qualitative aspect (through holistic interdependence with related phenomena). And this is why particle interactions are so short-lived (as they cannot yet be properly placed within a dimensional framework of space and time)!

Equally it has been my long held contention that at the quantum level of physical nature, particle interactions are likewise ultimately rooted in prime number behaviour (when understood in dynamic terms).

To put it another way, the problem of primitive instinctive reaction can only be properly solved through firstly successfully differentiating the conscious from the unconscious, before then properly integrating both distinctive aspects.

Now if we apply this in number terms, likewise the problem of the primes can only be properly solved through first successfully differentiating quantitative (analytic) and qualitative (holistic) before then successfully achieving integration of both aspects.

And in truth both psychological and mathematical tasks are themselves - when properly understood - fully complementary.

Therefore to fully unveil the true wonder and mystery of the relationship of the primes with the natural numbers - which requires both highly refined reason and intuition - the full integration of both conscious and unconscious aspects of personality is required.

So with Band 5 (Level 2), subconscious development at the lowest levels becomes so intensive that it can now at last be properly balanced with corresponding super conscious development at the "higher" levels.

However this requires sustained exposure on a daily basis to intimate projections such as sexual fantasies, that spontaneously emerge from the hidden depths.

During this time a gradual learning process can take place whereby one is enabled to erode the involuntary element of such projections to a considerable degree. And this in turn arises from the ability to properly place each primitive projection in an overall holistic context (whereby the impulse to identify it narrowly with any specific phenomenon is removed).

Now the limit in terms of such experience is to reach a stage whereby phenomenal identification with respect to primitive projections is eroded in the very instant of their initial generation.

One thereby attains to the highly dynamic - and purely relative stage - where each projection, while preserving a momentary distinct independent existence, yet can be fully integrated in a holistic interdependent manner with overall experience.  And this approximates a pure energy state (where the notion of form has now all but lost any residual meaning).

And when this state is attained, the involuntary nature of unconscious projection is finally removed, so that in psychological terms both conscious and unconscious aspects of personality can be fully harmonised.

However I now came to realise during this time that exactly the same dynamics applied to the appropriate understanding of prime number behaviour.

In fact both mathematical and psychological aspects themselves act in complementary fashion - as a two-sided coin - of human experience.

Though we can never see this in a totally clear manner as mathematical notions are always embedded to a degree in physical and psychological phenomena, primitive instinctive reactions, whether in human terms or the natural world are rooted in the primes (when appropriately understand in a dynamic manner).

Now what happens with conscious type experience is that these primes become dynamically arranged in an increasingly organised manner into composite phenomena, which then attain stability at a natural conscious level. This is likewise associated in psychological terms with increasing differentiation of the conscious aspect of personality.

However this can thereby lead to the gradual reduction of the unconscious holistic aspect in a merely conscious manner. So we then misleadingly  believe - as is so much the case with conventional scientific and mathematical understanding - that object phenomena can enjoy an absolute independent existence.

In particular this is the case with the way we view the primes i.e. as essential "building blocks" in quantitative terms of the natural number system.

However intrinsically there is an equally important holistic qualitative aspect to the primes (both in individual and collective terms) relating to number interdependence.

Unfortunately this has been all but lost in conventional mathematical interpretation, based as it is in formal terms on rational specialisation of a merely conscious kind.

So therefore to recover the qualitative aspect of the primes, psychological development itself must proceed through many more advanced stages of development, where firstly refined holistic intuitive capacity (related directly to the unconscious aspect) unfolds and then eventually where this intuitive capacity is successfully integrated with former rational understanding.

Thus we have therefore three main stages of mathematical development:

Stage 1 conforming to conventional analytic interpretation of mathematical symbols in a quantitative manner. This relates in my map of development to Bands 1 and 2 on the spectrum.

Stage 2 conforming to the largely unrecognised holistic interpretation of mathematical symbols in a qualitative manner. This relates in my map to Bands 3 and 4 on the spectrum.

Stage 3 conforming to - what I term - radial mathematics - where both quantitative and qualitative aspects are integrated with each other in a coherent manner. This relates to Band 5, 6 and 7 on my map of the spectrum.

So what I am describing here, at a very fundamental level, is the emergence of Stage 3 understanding of the primes and natural numbers (corresponding to Band 5 development).

At Band 2 one forms the view that the prime numbers are absolute in a quantitative manner.

Then with Band 3 and 4 one gradually realises that they equally possess a qualitative holistic identity of an utterly distinct nature.

Then here at Band 5 one begins to properly integrate this understanding through recognising both individually and collectively that the primes have quantitative and qualitative aspects, which are relatively independent and interdependent with respect to each other.

However this requires an increasingly dynamic understanding, where the notion of the primes, as enjoying any absolute identity, dissolves in understanding in the moment of their generation. So one reaches the other extreme from the conventional Band 2 understanding of the primes as representing absolute forms to this emerging Band 5 understanding that approximates pure energy states (with remaining phenomenal notions enjoying but an elusive fleeting identity).

In this context, the qualitative identity of the primes arises through their composite relationship with each other. So the famed non-trivial zeros i.e. the Zeta 1 (Riemann) zeros represent indirect quantitative expressions of the elusive qualitative connections between primes. These enable at one and the same time the relative quantitative independence of the primes to be consistently matched with their corresponding qualitative relative nature (in an ability to maintain a coherent interdependent relationship with each other).

Thus with each zero, both the quantitative and qualitative identity of every prime approaches perfect identity (in a dynamic relative manner).

And this represents the opposite extreme to conventional Band 2 understanding where both quantitative and qualitative identities are absolutely separated from each other (with the qualitative notion of relationship reduced altogether in merely quantitative terms).

And this again is why the non-trivial zeros represent the "shadow" system to the primes i.e. in that they represent the opposite extreme in understanding approaching energy states in a purely relative manner, to the conventional understanding of the primes as fixed numbers in an absolute fashion!

And because of the complementarity of mathematical and psychological processes, this means that the non-trivial zeros (as the indirect quantitative expression of holistic unconscious connections) are necessarily involved in experience as the means by which primitive instinctive reactions are coherently integrated with everyday conscious life.

It is important to remember that such instincts always remain a vitally important part of human experience! However there is a big difference between the immature situation, where instinctive reactions remain of a largely involuntary nature, thereby intruding into behaviour in a blind unpredictable manner and the psychologically developed state where such instincts become so refined, that they can be seamlessly integrated with conscious activity.

So just as it is now becoming clear in physical terms that the zeros represent distinctive energy states with respect to atomic behaviour, likewise in psycho-spiritual terms, the zeros represent distinctive intuitive energy states with respect to the qualitative ordering of the primes.  And when one considers that the primes are often referred to as the "atoms" of the natural number system, one can perhaps better appreciate this important complementary connection!


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