From a dynamic perspective the very notion of "higher" development represents a certain imbalance.
Therefore the journey toward "higher" super conscious states and structures should properly entail an equally important journey into the "lower" sub conscious region of primitive instincts and in personality terms both of these are fully complementary with each other.
Or as I have put it on many occasions, integration of the psyche properly entails both a top-down aspect, where one attempts to integrate earlier stages from the perspective of the latest superconscious stage attained and a bottom-up aspect, where one in reverse fashion attempts to integrate later stages from the perspective of the earliest subconscious stage (which has now become considerably refined through continuous revisiting).
Certainly in my case, superconscious development became strongly identified with the unfolding of an increasingly holistic type of intuition mediated through the refined use of reason.
Then in complementary fashion, subconscious development began identified with primitive sensations of an increasingly intimate nature that expressed the still repressed affective aspect of personality.
So just as in scientific physical terms, we have a major conflict as between General Relativity (in its depiction of the universal cosmic nature of reality and Quantum Mechanics in the behaviour of sub-atomic particles of matter, equally a conflict emerged in my experience as between the refined super-conscious and - as yet unreformed - primitive aspect of personality. And this fundamentally represented a clash as between cognitive and affective modes (each with its own distinctive means of operation).
And indeed there is a lesson here for physics in its attempt to find a Theory of Everything (understood in a reduced cognitive manner).
For just as in psychological terms the conflict is only solved through the realisation of the deep complementary nature of both cognitive and affective domains, ultimately leading to their full reconciliation in an ineffable spiritual experience, it is likewise similar in physical terms. So properly understood - what we call - physical reality in truth is a complex reality with two interacting aspects, which are real and imaginary with respect to each other. And the ultimate reconciliation of these two distinctive aspects once again leads to an ineffable state (that is spiritual).
So ultimately a truly integrated worldview in physical terms, is dynamically inseparable in experience from the attainment of true integration in a psychological manner.
Put another way, the subjective "knower" and what is objectively "known" ultimately merge fully together in a mutual embrace which is spiritual.
The earliest holistic mathematical breakthrough I made - again during "lower" stage development Band 3 - was the important realisation that the nature of prime numbers is very different from what is conventionally understood.
I had become deeply fascinated with the nature of primitive response and realised that it represented a direct confusion of both conscious and unconscious aspects of personality. So with primitive response the holistic desire for meaning (in unconscious terms) is directly identified with some specific phenomenon (in a conscious manner).
And it is this central confusion as between both conscious and unconscious meaning that leads to the involuntary nature of such a response!
Indeed when this confusion is especially severe (as in earliest infant development) an immediate collapse with respect to the dimensions of space and time take place so that the object of response can maintain only a transitory existence.
In fact it is very similar at the physical level with respect to sub-atomic particles which often enjoy but an extremely short-lived existence. So in a very true sense these thereby represent primitive particles that operate in a highly dynamic interactive manner.
So it is only when in psychological terms a certain appropriate separation of conscious from unconscious has taken place that the object phenomena of experience can attain a degree of stability (through being placed in a dimensional framework of space and time). Likewise it is only when sub-atomic physical particles have obtained a certain separation from the holistic ground from which they have emerged that they can begin to enjoy a more stable existence in space and time.
It then struck me that it was no accident that what we identify as "prime" with respect to numbers bears a close etymological relationship with the word "primitive" with respect to psychological behaviour.
In other words if we are to understand the primes in an appropriate manner (i.e. that is dynamically interactive in nature) we must recognise that they contain both quantitative (conscious) and qualitative (unconscious) aspects.
However the huge problem with accepted mathematical interpretation is that it attempts to understand primes in conscious terms with respect solely to their quantitative aspect.
Now if one were to suggest in today's climate that primitive instinctive behaviour can be adequately understood in a merely conscious manner, people would quickly dismiss such a reduced notion.
Understanding of psychological behaviour has advanced so much over the past few centuries that we readily accept the dual role of both conscious and unconscious.
However when it comes to our understanding of prime number behaviour, our understanding, as it were, is still very much in the dark ages. For, in truth, this equally requires recognition of the dual role of both quantitative (conscious) and qualitative (unconscious) aspects.
So I now saw clearly the great importance of uncovering the hidden qualitative aspect of prime number behaviour.
However it was only with the unfolding of the Band 5 levels that I was able to give proper mathematical expression to the true nature of the primes.
Therefore the journey toward "higher" super conscious states and structures should properly entail an equally important journey into the "lower" sub conscious region of primitive instincts and in personality terms both of these are fully complementary with each other.
Or as I have put it on many occasions, integration of the psyche properly entails both a top-down aspect, where one attempts to integrate earlier stages from the perspective of the latest superconscious stage attained and a bottom-up aspect, where one in reverse fashion attempts to integrate later stages from the perspective of the earliest subconscious stage (which has now become considerably refined through continuous revisiting).
Certainly in my case, superconscious development became strongly identified with the unfolding of an increasingly holistic type of intuition mediated through the refined use of reason.
Then in complementary fashion, subconscious development began identified with primitive sensations of an increasingly intimate nature that expressed the still repressed affective aspect of personality.
So just as in scientific physical terms, we have a major conflict as between General Relativity (in its depiction of the universal cosmic nature of reality and Quantum Mechanics in the behaviour of sub-atomic particles of matter, equally a conflict emerged in my experience as between the refined super-conscious and - as yet unreformed - primitive aspect of personality. And this fundamentally represented a clash as between cognitive and affective modes (each with its own distinctive means of operation).
And indeed there is a lesson here for physics in its attempt to find a Theory of Everything (understood in a reduced cognitive manner).
For just as in psychological terms the conflict is only solved through the realisation of the deep complementary nature of both cognitive and affective domains, ultimately leading to their full reconciliation in an ineffable spiritual experience, it is likewise similar in physical terms. So properly understood - what we call - physical reality in truth is a complex reality with two interacting aspects, which are real and imaginary with respect to each other. And the ultimate reconciliation of these two distinctive aspects once again leads to an ineffable state (that is spiritual).
So ultimately a truly integrated worldview in physical terms, is dynamically inseparable in experience from the attainment of true integration in a psychological manner.
Put another way, the subjective "knower" and what is objectively "known" ultimately merge fully together in a mutual embrace which is spiritual.
The earliest holistic mathematical breakthrough I made - again during "lower" stage development Band 3 - was the important realisation that the nature of prime numbers is very different from what is conventionally understood.
I had become deeply fascinated with the nature of primitive response and realised that it represented a direct confusion of both conscious and unconscious aspects of personality. So with primitive response the holistic desire for meaning (in unconscious terms) is directly identified with some specific phenomenon (in a conscious manner).
And it is this central confusion as between both conscious and unconscious meaning that leads to the involuntary nature of such a response!
Indeed when this confusion is especially severe (as in earliest infant development) an immediate collapse with respect to the dimensions of space and time take place so that the object of response can maintain only a transitory existence.
In fact it is very similar at the physical level with respect to sub-atomic particles which often enjoy but an extremely short-lived existence. So in a very true sense these thereby represent primitive particles that operate in a highly dynamic interactive manner.
So it is only when in psychological terms a certain appropriate separation of conscious from unconscious has taken place that the object phenomena of experience can attain a degree of stability (through being placed in a dimensional framework of space and time). Likewise it is only when sub-atomic physical particles have obtained a certain separation from the holistic ground from which they have emerged that they can begin to enjoy a more stable existence in space and time.
It then struck me that it was no accident that what we identify as "prime" with respect to numbers bears a close etymological relationship with the word "primitive" with respect to psychological behaviour.
In other words if we are to understand the primes in an appropriate manner (i.e. that is dynamically interactive in nature) we must recognise that they contain both quantitative (conscious) and qualitative (unconscious) aspects.
However the huge problem with accepted mathematical interpretation is that it attempts to understand primes in conscious terms with respect solely to their quantitative aspect.
Now if one were to suggest in today's climate that primitive instinctive behaviour can be adequately understood in a merely conscious manner, people would quickly dismiss such a reduced notion.
Understanding of psychological behaviour has advanced so much over the past few centuries that we readily accept the dual role of both conscious and unconscious.
However when it comes to our understanding of prime number behaviour, our understanding, as it were, is still very much in the dark ages. For, in truth, this equally requires recognition of the dual role of both quantitative (conscious) and qualitative (unconscious) aspects.
So I now saw clearly the great importance of uncovering the hidden qualitative aspect of prime number behaviour.
However it was only with the unfolding of the Band 5 levels that I was able to give proper mathematical expression to the true nature of the primes.
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