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Unitive Experience

We normally refer to eternal life as relating to an infinite state occurring after one’s natural death.

However this strictly reflects its merely transcendent aspect. So with respect to the counterbalancing immanent aspect, eternal life equally refers to an infinite state existing before one’s natural birth, though in truth both of these states are totally interdependent as an ever-present reality continually renewed.

Thus the pure mystical experience of oneness (which is equally an emptiness devoid of material phenomena), as a direct awareness of this ever present moment, entails the realisation that one has always already eternally existed in God and also destined to eternally exist in God as one’s essential indestructible being.

One may wonder if this is this is so, why it so difficult to accept that one has already existed in an eternal now (which again is but the present moment continually renewed).

It may help to see finite human existence therefore as the emergence from a deep sleep where one has no means of recollecting what has transpired.

Life as we know it is thus an awakening from an eternal identity in God. Death can be seen as the final return to this identity. Life in its finite phenomenal manifestations then acts in so many ways as temporary veils that hide this essential identity in God.

Our true nature therefore is much more wonderful, much more mysterious and beautiful that can be represented through religious teaching, which inevitably encourages adherence to the literal meaning of secondary phenomenal symbols (that only serve to obscure our true reality as God).

For creator and created are inseparably involved as the same process through which all humans and indeed all living beings (which entails the entirety of creation) dynamically interact with each other.

Due to an unduly transcendent emphasis we are generally accustomed to see creator (as God) and creature (as our human identity) somewhat separated in a one-way causally connected fashion.

However when one properly balances the immanent with the transcendent aspect of spirituality, the notion of creator and created become entirely interdependent in a manner however that can only be directly comprehended through pure spiritual awareness.

Here one can at last discover one’s true identity as God. And there is nothing blasphemous or arrogant about this as this likewise entails the true identity of every created being - indeed every holon - also as God in the clear realisation of the essential spiritual identity of everything that exists.
So in this manner the deep realisation of my individual nature as eternal spirit is inseparable from the collective deep realisation of everything in creation fundamentally likewise as eternal spirit.

Once again unfortunately, due to dualistic type understanding we are attuned to see creator and created as necessarily separated in a cause effect type relationship; equally we tend to see what is personal (as a life form) and impersonal (as matter without life) as also separated.

However in truth all material phenomena are necessarily living entailing the interaction of both personal and impersonal aspects.

We can see this most easily with respect to the human species, which has a subjective nature contained within an objective material body.

However this is strictly true of all physical phenomena which equally entail a dynamic relationship as between what is inner and outer.

An especially clear experience of this unity is typical of the commencing phase of Band 6 (Level 1) as this represents the direct spiritual awareness of reality as a plenum-void .

It is here that experience touches the ineffable point, where pure potentiality (as spiritual emptiness) gradually gives way to the pure actualisation of form - in the refined generation of finite phenomena - that culminates in the unity of all form (in spiritual fullness).

This also represents the culmination of Level 3 of Band 4 (which simultaneously occurs when Level 3 of Band 5 reaches completion).

Formerly at Band 4, the transcendent emphasis of spiritual understanding (as beyond all material form) had been unduly emphasised whereby it could not be properly grounded in finite reality. However, now with proper incorporation likewise of the immanent aspect, such grounding is finally achieved (whereby spirit is seen as equally inherent in all form).

It likewise removes the shadow of Band 2 where formerly linear understanding was too rigid (prevent proper incorporation of holistic intuition). So now linear understanding reaches the stage, whereby finally it can become truly flexible and transformed in refined unattached manner through incorporation with pure intuition.

And this development then paves the ways for the gradual unfolding of the various levels of Band 6. 


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