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Showing posts from September, 2018

Where Mathematics and Psychology Coincide

I have frequently made reference to the fact that the significance of the Riemann Hypothesis is much greater than commonly appreciated. Unfortunately due to the reduced nature of current mathematical understanding, attempted understanding of the hypothesis occurs in a merely quantitative fashion. However, in truth every mathematical symbol inherently possesses both an analytic (quantitative) and holistic (qualitative) significance, which interact in complementary fashion with each other. And it is in the light of this dynamic appreciation that the true meaning of the Riemann Hypothesis is revealed i.e. as the hidden qualitative basis of our everyday quantitative understanding of number. As we have seen all the natural numbers (except 0 and 1) can be expressed as the unique product of prime factors and in conventional terms the natural numbers are represented as lying on a real line. This then forms the basis for all quantitative measurement and by ...

Band 5 Revisited (3)

We now come to the final level of Band 5 i.e. Band 5, Level 3. As we have seen with Level 1, the transcendent descent (from the mountain summit) is largely completed, whereby one is now ready to ground refined holistic intuition associated with the “higher” spiritual dimensions in the everyday understanding of the middle band. Only now can the marriage of contemplative type vision with linear rational understanding properly commence. Then with Level 2, the immanent descent (to the submerged depths) is likewise largely completed. So one has largely succeeded in the task of unravelling residual physical instinctive behaviour so that it no longer projects itself involuntarily into consciousness (especially with respect to concrete sense phenomena). So, as we have seen, involuntary projections always represent a certain confusion with respect to the relationship as between the conscious and unconscious aspects of personality. So the bottom-up integration of conscious ...

Band 5 Revisited (2)

Yesterday I characterised Band 5 (Level 1) as the transcendent descent, whereby refined holistic intuition - associated with the “higher” dimensions of spiritual development - becomes grounded in the linear understanding of the middle band. So it represents a certain integration of both conscious and unconscious, whereby contemplative type vision can be successfully balanced with analytic type reason. And this descent of the “higher” superior is only made possible through substantial further exposure to the fantasies and exposures emitted from the depths of the “lower” inferior self. At this stage one becomes keenly aware that such notions of “higher” and “lower” have a purely relative validity. Indeed formerly, undue identification with development of the “higher” inevitably led to a certain repression of the “lower” self, whereby it was unable to properly speak for itself in recognising its most primitive instinctive desires. However as one gradually learns to rel...

Band 5 Revisited (1)

It is over a year since I last contributed to this blog. However an advantage of such a delay is that it enables a perspective from which to place what has already happened in context, while equally enabling a fuller appreciation of the direction in which one's personal development is heading. In previous entries I refer to Band 5 as the descent, whereby one attempts to achieve a better balance as between both the transcendent and immanent directions of development. However in a way this is too simplistic. Previously, I have used the analogy of a steep mountain climb to refer to the transcendent aspect of the spiritual journey. So with Band 3, emphasis is indeed devoted to the ascent with emphasis mainly on the transcendent aspect. However even here there is necessarily a counterbalancing descent with respect to gradual uncovering of the primitive instinctive aspects of personality. So we could perhaps use the corresponding analogy of a dee...