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Personality Types (6)

Yesterday, I mentioned how each personality type represents a unique configuration with respect to the manner in which space and time is experienced.

Ultimately, all configurations are based on the holistic mathematical interpretation of the two fundamental polarity sets (i.e. external/internal and whole/part) that underlie every phenomenon of form.

So once again, in holistic mathematical terms, external and internal are bi-directionally positive and negative, whereas whole and part are bi-directionally real and imaginary with respect to each other.

However this equally means that the same structures of space and time apply in a physical - as well as psychological - manner.

So just as in psychological terms we can define distinct personality types - representing unique configurations with respect to space and time - equally it should be possible to define in physical terms, distinct "impersonality" types, that likewise represent the same unique dimensional configurations.

So if we were to refer to the world as being composed of holons (whole/parts) and in reverse onhols (part/wholes) - where both external and internal directions apply - all holons (and onhols) would thereby be comprised of the same structural configurations with respect to space and time.

Indeed we could generalise even further, interpreting both cognitive and affective modes as representing - again in relative fashion - fundamental means of both control and response with respect to the environment.

So one could look at both physical and psychological reality as comprising an intricate web of control and response patterns. So the very capacity for phenomenal existence requires that a holon (and onhol) can exercise some degree of independent autonomy (control) while equally being able to relate (respond) to its environment.

Also though we would not apply the term "unconscious" to physical matter, in more general terms, the unconscious represents the holistic - as opposed to analytic - nature of reality.

Therefore in more general terms, we can perhaps recognise that all holons (and onhols) possess both an analytic identity (with respect to a local existence) and a holistic identity (with respect to an overall interdependence - ultimately - with all other phenomena in creation).

Unfortunately, Conventional Science very much distorts the nature of physical reality by attempting to understand it in a merely analytic (conscious) manner. This then leads to an enormous shadow in a total failure to recognise its counterpart holistic nature (where everything in truth is connected to everything else).

And of course the only way of healing this enormous split is through full incorporation of both conscious and unconscious in a psychological manner, which can then naturally reflect both the holistic and analytic aspects of physical reality in complementary terms.

Some years ago, when I was reading Michio Kaku's book "Hyperspace", I was suddenly enabled to make a vital connection as between my 24-Personality Type Model and the world of strings, which are postulated by many physicists as the fundamental "stuff" comprising the physical universe.

Kaku makes mention of the Ramanujan function, where in string theory each of the 24 modes appearing in the function corresponds to a physical vibration of the string. Then since physicists add two more dimensions when they count the total number of vibrations appearing in a relativistic theory, this leads to 24 + 2 dimensions of space-time.

Now these dimensions appear mathematically in what is known as the elliptic modular function. Suffice it to say that this entails definition in the complex half-plane (using real and imaginary numbers)!

So what I deeply suspected on reading this, is that I had arrived at the holistic mathematical counterpart of these notions, which are understood analytically in Conventional Mathematics.

However though their treatment is greatly advanced in a highly specialised manner, physicists seem to be especially lacking in the intuitive ability to explain what their findings really imply. And this is where holistic understanding is so valuable!

I was now able to see clearly that the very use of the word "dimension" in string theory is confusing. Therefore I suggest that in this context, each "dimension" (vibration of the string) represents a unique configuration with respect to the 4 dimensions (that only become properly separated at the macro level of phenomenal investigation).

So intuitively, it would seem perfectly reasonable to assume that the four dimensions (with which we are accustomed) are still very much entangled with each other. Thus at this level a "dimension" represents a certain unique configuration with respect to the entangled confusion of these 4 dimensions.

A more detailed version of my thinking at the time (20 years ago) is available at "Personality Types and Superstrings" .

Now the 26 dimensional version of Superstrings was soon replaced by a 10 dimensional version.

However as Kaku explains this in fact represents a generalisation of the Ramanujan function (on which the earlier version was based).

Thus the critical number for the 10-dimensional version is 8 (to which again 2 is added).

Interestingly the original Jungian approach to personality is based on the identification of 8 distinct types!

Then with the advent of M-theory, another space dimension has been added. So now the convention is to treat string reality as composed of 11 dimensions (9 + 2) bearing comparison with the alternative Enneagram approach.  

So the critical point that I am making is that whether at an advanced psychological or primitive physical level, reality is fundamentally structured in terms of the same basic "dimensions" i.e. configurations with respect to space and time.

Furthermore, our understanding of space and time needs to change profoundly as we are presently locked into a merely reduced analytic interpretation, which distorts its true nature.

For example, we have been accustomed to treat space and time in an asymmetrical manner. Indeed this is very true even at the level of string theory, where all but 1 dimension are customarily postulated as of space!

However in true holistic terms, space and time dimensions are fully complementary and thereby symmetrical with each other. So it requires an enormous shift in mind-set to intuitively adopt the holistic approach as the appropriate model.

Also the holistic approach gives equal emphasis to imaginary as well as real dimensions.
Once again it will not be possible to "see" what imaginary dimensions entail until the unconscious is fully incorporated with conscious interpretation.

The holistic approach likewise gives equal emphasis to negative as well as positive dimensions. So in the very interaction of the (internal) self and (external) world, negative dimensions - in switching as between both poles - are necessarily involved.

Finally the holistic approach gives equal emphasis to personal as well as impersonal dimensions.

Put simply conventional scientific understanding conforms to the impersonal aspect of dimensions; however artistic appreciation conforms directly with their personal aspect.

So actual experience necessarily entails both personal and impersonal aspects.

However once again, conventional science simply acts to reduce the personal aspect in a distorted - merely impersonal - manner.


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