Yesterday, we saw how the Enneagram has a built-in dynamic quality, portraying for each personality type (designated by one of the numbers from 1 - 9) the paths for integration and disintegration respectively. However one significant weakness here (which also indeed applies to the Myers-Briggs typology) is that it remains neutral as to the various levels of development (on the full spectrum). For example in Western Psychology, adult development is largely confined to - what I designate as - the first two Bands on the Spectrum with adult development predominantly based on the second. And this band relates to the specialisation of (linear) analytic type understanding of a merely conscious nature. In particular this understanding completely dominates the present mathematical and scientific worldviews which in many ways serve as the new religion for the present age! However a crucial weakness of this worldview - despite its admitted great triumphs - is that it is lacking a true ho...