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Theory Of Everything

My reflections on the holistic unification of the four forces, in complementary physical and psychological terms, was to give way to - what I referred to as - The Theory of Everything.

Now it is important to state that this was always understood to be of a somewhat limited nature relating solely to the holistic nature of reality.

Therefore the holistic "Theory of Everything" equally qualified as a "Theory of Nothing" in analytic terms.

Now I have subsequently in more recent times arrived at a much more comprehensive "Theory of Everything" which provides the basis for the emergence of all subsequent evolution in both an analytic and holistic manner (including this earlier version as an integral component).

However though limited in some respects, the earlier version has a universal scope and remains of considerable interest.

Basically it seeks to explain how all reality, both with respect to its physical and psychological aspects - which are dynamically complementary - can be understood in terms of just 3 key polarity sets that operate in a bi-directional interactive fashion.

Thus from the physical perspective, all external objects are balanced by a corresponding interpretation, that - relatively - is internal in nature.

This relates to the first set of horizontal "real" polarities that are positive and negative with respect to each other (and indirectly represented through the holistic interpretation of the two roots of 1).

Then again from the physical perspective, all  objects (interpreted in a quantitative fashion) are balanced by corresponding dimensions (of space and time) that are - relatively - qualitative. This entails that the dynamic interactive activity of objects in space and time necessarily entails quantitative and qualitative aspects with respect to the interpretation of both objects and dimensions.

This relates to the second set of vertical polarities that are "real" and "imaginary" with respect to each other (and indirectly represented through the holistic interpretation of the four roots of 1).

In fact this leads to a new holistic interpretation of the four dimensions of reality, with both real and imaginary aspects, defined in a positive and negative fashion.

Finally from the physical perspective, both real and imaginary aspects (as objects and dimensions) can be viewed simultaneously in relation to each other, which provides us with the fundamental notion of the four (physical) forces.

The forces then reveal themselves in two ways (i) where wave and particle aspects (representing real and imaginary aspects in a relative manner) are separated through interaction with phenomena of form and (ii) where both are simultaneously united as null lines (= 0) in terms of the force (considered without reference to other phenomena).

This relates to the third set of diagonal polarities (indirectly represented through the 8 roots of 1).

So all in all, the dynamic interaction with respect to the physical world as between observer and what is observed, between objects and dimensions and finally between both of these and the physical forces, can be coherently expressed in terms of the holistic interpretation of the eight roots of 1.

Then we can can equally view these three sets from the psychological perspective.

So the first polarity set shows that all interaction with objects entails both conscious and unconscious aspects.
Thus when an object is initially posited in an external conscious manner, this recognition must be dynamically negated, before one can switch to its psychological interpretation (that is now alternatively posited consciously in experience).

Thus, though recognition of objects (as positive) is conscious, the dynamic switching as between polarities (as negative) is of an unconscious nature.

The second polarity set shows the interaction as between the cognitive aspect (as reason) and the affective aspect  (as emotion) which are real and imaginary with respect to each other.

Thus cognitive recognition (that is conscious) implicitly implies affective recognition (that is hidden as unconscious) and vice versa.

This means that from a dynamic perspective, we cannot ultimately seek to separate reason from emotion (i.e. the impersonal from what is personal) in experience.

The third polarity set then shows the deeper relationship as between the will (as the volitional centre of personality) and both the cognitive and affective functions (in conscious and unconscious terms).

So just as we earlier comprehensively explained in a dynamic holistic manner the physical relationship as between objects, dimensions and forces, now equally in a dynamic holistic manner we can explain the complementary psychological relationship as between the cognitive, affective and volitional functions with respect to the same eight roots of 1.

So true understanding of reality entails the integration of all the major domains of experience in both physical and psychological terms (which ultimately approach identity with each other in pure ineffable awareness).


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