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Showing posts from June, 2015

Theory Of Everything

My reflections on the holistic unification of the four forces, in complementary physical and psychological terms, was to give way to - what I referred to as - The Theory of Everything. Now it is important to state that this was always understood to be of a somewhat limited nature relating solely to the holistic nature of reality. Therefore the holistic "Theory of Everything" equally qualified as a "Theory of Nothing" in analytic terms. Now I have subsequently in more recent times arrived at a much more comprehensive "Theory of Everything" which provides the basis for the emergence of all subsequent evolution in both an analytic and holistic manner (including this earlier version as an integral component). However though limited in some respects, the earlier version has a universal scope and remains of considerable interest. Basically it seeks to explain how all reality, both with respect to its physical and psychological aspects - which are dynam...

Spiritual Forces

When one looks at reality in a dynamic psycho physical manner, it dramatically changes our conceptions with respect to both physical and psychological worlds. For now, rather than attempting to keep these separate from each other, we begin to recognise the remarkable complementary relationships that connect both worlds. So the four physical forces that we were dealing with yesterday, have their complements in four psycho spiritual "forces" (which can similarly be powerfully represented in a replicating holistic mathematical manner). One important way of looking at physical forces is what sets matter in motion. Now from the psycho spiritual perspective we have the complementary notion of motivation. In other words without motivation, which relates directly to the volitional capacity of will, it would not be possible for human activity to unfold. So a pure mathematician may be concerned with formulating abstract "objective" notions. However without recognition...

Physical Forces

Yesterday, I suggested how the holistic mathematical interpretation of just one of the four complex roots (of the 8 roots of 1) can be used to provide a convincing philosophical appreciation of the true nature of light. And of course natural light represents the best known manifestation of electromagnetic energy, that represents one of the four recognised physical forces. And there is a special coherence to this holistic mathematical interpretation that may not be obvious at first sight. The basic starting point is in the recognition that physical knowledge of reality cannot be divorced from corresponding psychological interpretation. Therefore in dynamic interactive terms all conscious understanding of reality that is posited in an external physical manner, must be likewise negated in a corresponding psychological fashion (and vice versa). Therefore it in this two-way interaction, entailing both positive and negative polarities that we are enabled to keep switching in experien...

Nature of Light

We are now going to see how the holistic mathematical appreciation of the complex roots (of the 8 roots of 1) can be used to provide a coherent philosophical understanding of the nature of physical light (as a form of electromagnetic energy, representing one of the four forces of nature). Newton believed that light was composed of particles (corpuscles)  However later experimental evidence seemed to suggest that light was composed of waves. This then remained the accepted wisdom until Einstein in attempting to explain quantum statistics proposed once again that light was composed of particles. Then eventually further findings suggested that light can be composed of either particles or waves (depending on the nature of the experiment) now known as the wave/particle duality of light. Einstein also speculated on what it would be like to travel on a beam of light. With respect to the light itself ("travelling" at light speed) time does not pass. Thus in this sense light al...

Holistic Complex Reality (3)

We now give a slightly more detailed explanation of the significance of the four diagonal polarities (bisecting each of the four quadrants). Once again these can be given a dual interpretation (a) as complex coordinates, with both real and imaginary aspects equal (representing their identity as phenomenal form) and (b) as null limes = 0, (representing their corresponding identity as spiritual emptiness). And in dynamic terms both of these aspects are now equivalent to each other in a relative manner. Now, we will take the two complementary polarities firstly along the diagonal line that bisects both the UR (Upper Right) and LL (Lower Left) quadrants respectively. The complex polarity (in the UR quadrant) is represented by k (+ 1 + i), where k = 1/√2. As I am identifying the Upper quadrants with "higher" understanding of a refined cognitive manner, this thereby relates to external rational type appreciation of a purely refined intuitive kind. In fact the equality ...

Holistic Complex Reality (2)

We are devoting our attention here to the diagonal polarities, that bisect in turn the UR and LL and UL and LR quadrants respectively. In the last entry we demonstrated the remarkable fact, that from the standard analytic perspective, the four diagonal lines (in each of the quadrants) can be shown to represent null lines (= 0). So we now concern ourselves with the profound holistic mathematical significance of this relationship. Again, if we focus on the diagonal line in the UR quadrant, we can see once more that its coordinates are given as k(+ 1 +  i) where k = 1/ √2. In holistic mathematical terms, 1 and i signify (real) conscious and (imaginary) unconscious aspects respectively. √2. especially symbolises the irrational (representing here the mixture of both real and imaginary (that operate according to distinctive logical notions). Crucially both real and imaginary parts are equal, which holistically symbolises that both become identical with each other. Howe...

Holistic Complex Reality (1)

In an even more extreme fashion that at Level 2, experience now at Level 3 represents the dynamic interaction of the "higher" spiritual and "lower" physical aspects of self. Whereas - initially at any rate - cognitive and affective modes found expression at both the "higher" and "lower" regions of personality at Level 2, now the "higher" spiritual became almost exclusively identified with refined cognitive expression, while the "lower" physical aspect became identified in turn with ever more intimate instinctive projections. Once again, I have to liken this to the final stage of the ascent of Mount Everest. Thus though one is near the peak one becomes increasingly exhausted, with one's physical frame scarcely able to endure the increasingly rarefied atmosphere. In like manner as one approaches the transcendent summit, in psychological terms one's "lower" physical self finds it harder and harder to adap...

Spiritual v Physical Self

As I have stated before, the closer one comes to realisation of pure nondual meaning at the "higher" level of personality, the more one becomes directly exposed to purely instinctive experience at the corresponding "lower" level. So what is pure and spiritual at the "high", is complemented by what is merely instinctive and physical at the "low" level. Therefore my own experience at this time was to dramatically reveal this continuing tension as between the "higher" spiritual and "lower" physical regions of personality. In basic terms, approaching pure nondual spiritual reality entails the full reconciliation of both conscious and unconscious aspects of behaviour, where one no longer focuses on each as separate, but rather on the simultaneous recognition of both in experience. In striking contrast, approaching pure instinctive physical reality entails the involuntary confusion of both conscious and unconscious where be...

Deep Sleep

We return to the immediate task of outlining the 3rd of the "higher" contemplative levels of Band 3, which I generally refer to as "The Null Level". With each level of Band 3, experience reaches a deeper unconscious state. With Level 1 (The Circular) dynamic interaction centres mainly around the paradoxical interplay of both internal (subjective) and external (objective) aspects. These constitute. the horizontal polarities operating within a given level. This gradually leads to a massive erosion with respect to all conscious phenomena (both sensory and conceptual). Strictly the erosion is with respect to the dualistic attachment to such phenomena so that remaining consciousness is of a transparent spiritual nature that quickly dissolves in experience. This is associated in turn with a "real" daytime dream state, where conscious phenomena now increasingly represent the expression of a heightened spirituality. So I contrast once again both the day ...