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Showing posts from January, 2012

The Levels of Development (1)

In my model each band contains 3 major stages (which I refer to as levels). This would entail therefore that 21 levels overall are defined on the Spectrum. Band 1 The three levels here are referred to - in ascending order from the lowest - as Lower 3 (L3), Lower 2 (L2) and Lower 1 (L1) respectively. Lower 3 (archaic) represents the stage where conscious and unconscious are still largely confused with each other. It would culminate with the first successful differentiation (where the physical body mind of the child is understood to be separate to a degree from a more general environment that is also understood as body mind. In holistic mathematical terms this initial confusion - where (universal) form cannot be distinguished from emptiness mind would relate to the binary digits 1 and 0. Then emerging duality would be associated with 2. Horizontal, vertical and diagonal complementarity would apply to the level! Horizontal complementarity relates to the the physical and psych...

The Bands of Development

In my model on the Spectrum of Development I use the term "band" to refer to the most general meaning of a stage. Overall I define 7 Bands. Band 1 (Movement towards Linear Understanding) refers to earliest childhood development in the successful differentiation of consciousness. Band 2 (Specialisation of Linear Understanding) refers to everyday rational type appreciation which defines the conventional scientific paradigm and dominates intellectually the way we interpret reality Band 3 (Movement from Linear to Circular Understanding) refers to the growth in intuitive contemplative type awareness which indirectly is translated in a paradoxical circular rational manner. Band 4 (Specialisation of Circular Understanding) where refined intuitive type awareness and the indirect means of translation are consolidated. Band 5 (Early Interpenetration of Mature Linear and Circular Understanding) in what I term radial activity where the rational conscious and intuitive unconsc...