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In the forthcoming blogs I will be dealing with the various bands, levels and stages on the full Spectrum of Development.

There are some distinct features of this approach that are derived from long standing reflection and experience which I will mention here.

1) The approach is dynamically interactive combining two contrasting approaches:

(a) the linear method (based on asymmetrical distinctions) that is directly suited for the differentiated aspects of experience:

(b) the circular approach (based on complementary relationships as between polar opposites) that is directly suited for interpretation of the integral aspect.

For example using a linear approach stages unfold in a hierarchical sequential fashion moving from unambiguous lower to higher stages.

However from the equally valid circular approach all stages are already present in development (to some degree). So a key requirement is to successfully show how these seemingly contrasting approaches to development can be reconciled with each other.

2) Development at every stage has both physical and psychological aspects that are - relatively - exterior and interior with respect to each other.

One obvious implication of this approach that science itself should evolve in development through many distinctive worldviews (associated with respective stages of development).

However in our culture, science is rigidly identified with just one worldview (associated with a mere linear logical appreciation).

3) I believe that the most scientific approach to development is provided through the explicit use of holistic mathematical notions. My own approach from the onset has been heavily influenced through this conviction (which has undergone considerable refinement over several decades).

4) Far too little detail in conventional accounts of development is given to elaboration of the cognitive and affective features that characterise more advanced levels. Though of course the authentic development of spiritual contemplative states is of primary importance at more advanced stages, these should not be divorced from supporting cognitive and affective development.

5) Far from thinking that we have reached an advanced stage with respect to possible stages of human development, I believe we are still comparative beginners. Thus I am always willing to probe the possibility - indeed probability - that stages that presently seem very remote will one day be commonplace in personal and cultural experience.


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