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Showing posts from October, 2018

Affective Development (2)

In the previous blog entry, I showed that though Bands 1 and Bands 2 are indeed vitally necessary for the differentiated conscious development of both the cognitive and affective modes, that considerable problems are however associated with this form of understanding. Though in experience both modes are necessarily related to a degree, we are concentrating here mainly on the affective mode. As we have seen the key problem with the conscious development of the affective mode, is that it screens out to a considerable degree the holistic nature of the unconscious. And insofar as the unconscious then does operate it is frequently projected in an immature fashion into consciousness whereby it is directly confused with conscious symbols. As we have seen earlier development involves the gradual separation of the three fundamental polarities. Whereas this is necessary for initial differentiation, for successful integration it is then necessary to discover the complementari...

Affective Development (1)

In recent blog entries I have been at pains to clarify both the transcendent and immanent aspects of spiritual development in terms of ascent and descent (which operate with respect to both aspects in a dynamic complementary manner). Though Band 3 is primarily concerned with the transcendent ascent, because of the complementary nature of both transcendent and immanent aspects it likewise entails to a degree a corresponding immanent descent. However at this stage the transcendent aspect is still likely to dominate. So all going well, Band 3 culminates - analogous to reaching the top of a mountain peak - with the attainment of a pure form of transcendence, where true intuitive awareness (as emptiness) is seen as beyond all phenomenal form. However as always with respect to human development success in this regard is necessarily of an approximate nature (where considerable imperfections are likely to remain). Then Band 4, as I portray it, relates to a certain consolidat...