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Showing posts from 2017

Dual and Nondual Reality

In my latest model of development, I now include 8 bands - where a band represents the most general classification of stages - in total. And as each of these bands then contains three main levels, this leads to a model containing 24 major levels. Then in my holistic binary approach to development, the nature of all these levels is dynamically defined in both linear (1) and circular (0) terms, allowing for unique configurations with respect to differentiation and integration respectively. I also define sub-levels (usually 3 within each level). Then a key distinction is made as between the 3 main polarities of experience, external/internal whole/part and form/emptiness. And again in dynamic interactive terms, these polarities combine notions of relative independence (where the poles are separated) and relative interdependence (where the poles are viewed in a complementary manner) respectively. The first polarity set (external/internal) leads to the view of stages as relating inte...

Personal or Social Development!

When one looks at the stages of development from a social perspective, one would have to conclude that "average" attainment remains quite low (in terms of the full potential spectrum). Therefore from one perspective, one could conclude for most individuals - certainly in Western society - that development plateaus significantly with the stages of Band 2. This of course is not to deny that such individuals may be highly capable and talented and occasionally reach (at least with respect to some abilities) more advanced bands. However one would have to conclude that very few indeed achieve sustained experience of the contemplative or radial stages. This in turn creates an important difficulty for any rare individual who feels called - even from an early age - to significantly move on to these advanced stages. For in attempting to do so, one is placing oneself outside the norms of conventional society, where perhaps for the remainder of one's life, one must be will...

All Stages Revisited

In yesterday's entry I was at pains to portray that with Band 5 development both ascent and descent become equally associated with "higher" super-conscious and "lower" sub-conscious development respectively. And as the complementary dynamic nature of both aspects becomes ever better appreciated, the very notion of "higher" and "lower" with respect to development eventually melts away (with both terms understood in a merely secondary relative fashion). This paves the way for true radial development, where all experience emanates directly from a spiritual centre of being, which equally is understood as the physical centre of the entire universe. And there are remarkable links here with the true nature of the number system. Thus, corresponding to super-conscious ascent, I discovered the great importance of the qualitative holistic notion of number as dimension (associated with the Zeta 2 zeros). In other words the "higher" lev...

Ascent and Descent Revisited

The proper dynamics of both ascent and descent with respect to spiritual development are subtler than commonly realised. For example, I have characterised Band 3 as a model of the spiritual ascent towards a formless type of transcendence. However even during Band 3, I had become deeply aware of a corresponding form of descent that was taking place. So whereas the ascent was then associated with the unfolding of the "higher" stages of super-conscious development, the descent was associated with the corresponding unravelling of "lower" immanent stages of sub-conscious behaviour. Thus I was already strongly aware then of the complementary nature of both the "ascent" and "descent", assuming that full spiritual union would gradually emerge with the completion of Band 3 (with transcendent and immanent directions of spirituality then be fully reconciled). However whereas aware of this requirement at a conscious level of understanding, I was o...

Revision of Bands (4)

In the context of radial development, it can be perhaps fruitful to distinguish as between three mystical types. The active type, is by far the most common. Though considerable contemplative development at the "higher" levels will necessarily take place, it never removes a strong grounding in the world of dualistic phenomena. Thus for these types contemplation tends to serve the purpose of bringing a greater sense of integration to everyday responsibilities. Thus following the opening up of new contemplative levels in development, backward integration tends to readily take place, with spiritual capacities combined broadly with one's many activities. It is highly unlikely in such cases that the most refined contemplative states e.g. at the causal level can ever thereby undergo sustained development (because of this natural affinity with duality). So therefore though such a person may be superbly gifted in many ways, enabling much fruitful work to be carried out wit...

Revision of Bands (3)

In the binary approach to development, equal emphasis is given to the discrete aspect of the unfolding of new stages of development and the continuous aspect, whereby one - because all stages are necessarily related in some respect to each other - thereby enjoys access to all stages. And whereas the discrete relates directly to the differentiated aspect of stage development, the continuous relates to the integral aspect. So for example, though from a discrete perspective, the radial stages would be the last to properly unfold in development, there is a certain valid sense in which everyone already has access to these stages. The radial stages in effect represent the interpenetration of all stages with respect to their specialised differentiation and integration respectively. Because by definition, in dynamic terms all stage development represents a certain configuration with respect to differentiation and integration, one thereby already enjoys a degree of access to the radial ...

Revision of Bands (2)

I am very conscious in writing this account of development that no one template can adequately account for the distinctive features attributable in any individual case. So my own account not only represents the product of a distinctive personality type (5 with a strong 4 wing in Enneagram terms) but just one example of such a type with all the personal idiosyncrasies thereby associated. However it does seem to me especially suited for the purpose that I have in mind, which is to portray accurately an authentic modern outline of one person's journey through the various stages of development with all the key difficulties that this entailed. And though necessarily limited, this then provides a valid perspective from which to address many other issues that I find are not adequately dealt with in existing accounts. Also once again, it is from such development that the holistic mathematical approach naturally evolved and which then in turn acted as the appropriate vehicle to encod...

Revision of Bands (1)

Since the last revisions " Update on Classification of Stages " and " Brief Further Update " on my overall model of development (made in 2008), I have been operating with 7 major bands (each containing 3 major levels). However I have come to realise that in recent work, I have in fact been making extensive use of a distinctive band - what I refer to as - Band 5, which was not included in the original account. So with this extra addition, this now gives 8 bands in my overall model (with 24 major levels). And in the the context of the holistic mathematical approach these can all be scientifically encoded in a dynamic binary digital manner, representing unique configurations with respect to both differentiated and integral aspects of development respectively. So perhaps in the light of this latest revision, it would be instructive to outline briefly the 8 major bands. Now it must be stressed that the precise manner in which development occurs, even for those d...