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Showing posts from October, 2015

Psychological Development and the Euler Identity (2)

The Euler Identity is generally recognised as the most beautiful theorem in Mathematics.  For example the well known "populariser" of Mathematics, Keith Devlin has stated:  ""like a Shakespearean sonnet that captures the very essence of love, or a painting that brings out the beauty of the human form that is far more than just skin deep, Euler's equation reaches down into the very depths of existence". So when it comes to the Euler Identity, mathematicians somehow realise that they are dealing with a relationship that greatly transcends their rational ability to comprehend its symbols. Euler's Identity (or Equation) is generally given in the form, e^iπ + 1 = 0. e here refers to Euler's number which is the base of the natural logarithms system. i is the imaginary unit that represents the square root of – 1. π (or pi) represents the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its line diameter. So along with 1 and 0, which are also included in the si...

Psychological Development and the Euler Identity (1)

Gradually, I realised that Band 4 (as I identify it) would not directly lead to the Spiritual Marriage that I had anticipated. Rather it gave way to a new series of stages that I was to later identify with Band 5. Of course experience can never be exclusively identified with just one Band (however prominent it may be in experience)! So rather than expecting the completion of Band 4 before proper development with respect to the radial stages could unfold, I began to accept that it would remain continuous with the "descent" levels of Band 5 (that acted in a complementary fashion to the corresponding "ascent" levels of Band 3). Whereas the 3 levels of the "ascent" (with respect to Band 3) were associated with the movement away from the firm ground of the linear levels in a transcendent spiritual direction towards emptiness, now the corresponding 3 levels of the "descent" (with respect to Band 5) would be associated with the corresponding movem...

Band 4

Just as Band 2 (in my account) relates to the specialisation of (linear) rational type understanding, Band 4 is designed to relate to the corresponding specialisation of (circular) intuitive type appreciation After Band 3 had culminated in a transitional crisis (in mid 1996), I then looked forward to - what I imagined - would represent a relatively short period of adjustment in the unfolding of Band 4.  I interpreted this band then as acquiring appropriate balance with respect to contemplative experience in terms of both its transcendent and immanent directions. Then when appropriate adjustment had taken place, I expected that the radial bands would emerge, entailing the gradual interpenetration of both analytic and holistic type understanding (intellectually, emotionally and spiritually). And just as the earlier bands had been divided into 3 major levels, I could see that this would also be true of Band 4. So the first level of Band 4 relates to t...