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Showing posts from August, 2015

Growing Crisis

I do not remember many details of my life from the early to mid 90's. However in general terms it proved to a period of growing stress, that I only began to properly understand much later. I was aware however that my development had taken a pronounced vertical character, with the continual unfolding of more advanced spiritual states and structures. However as I ascended "higher" in a transcendent direction ever closer to pure spiritual intuition (without phenomenal structure), this was complemented by the opposite descent with respect to sensation into the physical realms of the unconscious (repressed from earliest childhood). Thus increasingly my psychic energy was given over to this dynamic interaction as between "higher" and "lower" (unconscious) bands, as attempted integration of the levels of these bands continued. I was becoming aware however of a growing problem in that the (conscious) middle levels were being continually bypassed in th

Exploring the Feminine

As I have stated, my attempt to journey through this "highest" level (i.e. Band 3, Level 3) of transcendent spiritual development, was associated with the corresponding exposure to the "lowest" level of primitive instinctive response. In this way, I was to learn the direct complementary nature as between the "highest" level (in transcendent spiritual terms) and the corresponding "lowest" level (in an immanent physical manner). In normal infant development, we are conditioned to continually repress earliest primitive responses as the price for enabling the successful differentiation of conscious structures. This is still very much the case even for development that would be considered healthy and successful from a conventional social perspective! Though the unconscious is necessarily involved with such development, it is mainly in a reduced manner, whereby it serves the dominant need of conscious type understanding. Thus true integration

The Internet

As the 90's slowly unfolded, I realised that I was becoming subject to a persistent form of stress that was directly related to the nature of personal development that was now unfolding. Though to some extent a correcting immanent balance had been introduced, the transcendent direction was still very much dominant. And the continual attempt to deal with any form of undue attachment - which my continued  contemplative development required - of either a "real" (conscious) or "imaginary" (indirect conscious) nature was leading to considerable strain. It seemed, that through the desire for an ever purer spiritual experience, I was now required to stifle ever ounce of self expression. First this had related mainly to the intellectual, then later to the emotional and now finally directly to the volitional aspect of personality. So in my own personal quest to attain the summit of spiritual Mount Everest, the physical body was becoming increasingly sensitive to th

Holistic Number Types

All the number types - binary, prime, natural, integers, rational, (algebraic) irrational, transcendental, complex and transfinite (in both positive and negative and real and imaginary forms) have well defined meanings from the conventional mathematical perspective (in the accepted analytic sense). Equally they have (unrecognised) holistic meanings with an intimate relevance for the scientific integral understanding of all possible stages of development. I will just briefly clarify the alternative holistic meaning of the number types (which was the subject of " The Number Paradigms "). We start with the binary numbers 1 and 0. In holistic terms these numbers are ultimately identical representing the equality of form (1) and emptiness (0). Development commences from the position where they are identical in a totally confused manner (i.e. where neither differentiation nor integration of structures has yet taken place). So the journey is from this starting confused state

Even and Odd Dimensions

I have highlighted the importance of the holistic mathematical interpretation of 2, 4 and 8 dimensions respectively, for all development processes (psychological and physical). Basically these relate to the manner in which the principle polarities, that govern all phenomena, dynamically interact. Jung in his writings drew frequent attention to the importance of mandalas as pictorial images with a strong integrative value for the psyche. The most common mandalas closely resemble symmetrical 4-fold, or alternatively 8-fold, circular geometrical patterns. In fact though often presented in an extremely artistic ornate fashion, these pictures fundamentally represent the same structures that can be used to represent both the 4 roots and 8 roots of 1 respectively. So the deeper explanation as to importance of these mandalas lies in the holistic mathematical nature of all development processes. Again these can most fruitfully be explained in terms of either two (internal/external and

The Spectrum and the Dimensions

A key aspect of my holistic mathematical approach at this time (early 90's) was the manner in which the major levels of each band was defined with respect to the 3 sets of dimensions that have been already outlined. In general terms, the "lower" band (i.e. Band 1) relates to the gradual differentiation of these three sets, starting from an initial state where total confusion is in evidence. So with the commencement of development, all three sets are greatly confused - initially with respect to the embryonic foetus - in the life of the baby infant. Because no meaningful differentiation has yet taken place, meaningful integration can likewise not exist. The first task then is the gradual differentiation of the fundamental diagonal polarity set of form and emptiness. So eventually with the culmination of Level 3 (which represents the lowest level), form can be distinguished from emptiness. What this entails is that through sensori-motor activity, the infant gradually l

The Dimensions (Directions) of Development (4)

The 4 additional diagonal polarities are capable of several interpretations that highlight their respective importance. (In fact I already have dealt with their use in clarifying the nature of the physical forces, such as light, together with their complementary spiritual manifestations). I use these polarities to translate the - literal - complex nature of the structures involved at Level 3 (Band 3) where real and imaginary parts are equal. This is then used to explain the dynamic nature of experience at this level, whereby phenomena of form become so refined that they become fully consistent with the permanent realisation of emptiness (as nondual spiritual awareness). However we can look at the complex nature of these polarities from a slightly different perspective, that highlights well the extreme contrast that is experienced as between "higher" spiritual desire and "lower" physical instincts at this time. The real and imaginary parts (with respect to th

The Dimensions (Directions) of Development (3)

In yesterday's blog entry, I showed how the holistic mathematical interpretation of the 4 dimensions is intimately related to the corresponding holistic interpretation of the four roots of 1 (expressed in the conventional linear manner). So space and time are now understood as possessing both real and imaginary aspects with positive and negative directions respectively. From this perspective, the very dynamics of evolution (physical and psychological) entail that both space and time continually switch as between real and imaginary aspects. This reflects in turn the two-way interaction as between whole and part polarities. And the positive and negative directions then relate to the complementary physical and psychological manifestations of both respectively, relating to the corresponding two-way interaction as between external and internal polarities. So "real" space is always accompanied by "imaginary" time and "real" time by "imaginary&qu

The Dimensions (Directions) of Development (2)

It was relatively easy for me to work out the holistic mathematical structure with respect to external and internal polarities (with both pertaining to their conscious understanding). Thus, whereas knowledge with respect to external and internal poles, as separate, is posited (in conscious terms), crucially the dynamic switching between both, requires a degree of negation (in an unconscious manner). Therefore when one explicitly recognises the importance of such unconscious switching in experience, one realises that both external and internal poles are - relatively - positive and negative with respect to each other. Put another way, dualistic experience is now rendered deeply paradoxical with respect to the dynamic interaction of both poles. This in turn is consistent with the growth of a deepening intuitive awareness (that expresses the holistic role of the unconscious). In normal experience, though dynamic negation as between polarities still necessarily operates, it remains

The Dimensions (Directions) of Development (1)

A major feature of the holistic mathematical approach is an alternative circular notion of number that gives rise to the various dimensions of development. As each dimension - when expressed in a reduced linear manner - leads to a distinctive direction (drawn from the centre of the unit circle in the complex plane to its circumference), I also refer to these distinctive dimensions as directions. Standard intellectual discourse takes place in a strictly 1-dimensional manner. The deeper meaning of this statement relates to the fact that all phenomenal experience is conditioned by opposite sets of polarities that dynamically interact with each other in experience. This means that opposite poles are clearly separated, with meaning in any context identified with just one pole. In this regard, I identify 3 key sets of such polarities. Firstly, we have the horizontal set of external/internal polarities that operate within a given stage of development. Secondly, we have the vertica

The Spectrum of Number

During this period (in the early 90's) I attempted to draw on my inner experience to portray the various levels of development (especially post-conventional stages) from the unique perspective that I had developed relating to Holistic Mathematics. The first book, which I termed "Transforming Voyage" , did not  - at least explicitly - draw so much on this mathematical framework, . The second, " The Number Paradigms ", that was written largely in parallel with the first, then sought to interpret this development with reference to the holistic interpretation of the various number types. In many ways this was a very ambitious undertaking, the significance of which I feel was never really appreciated. Basically, the starting premise was very simple. In conventional mathematical terms, number provides the appropriate means for ordering reality in a quantitative manner. However, when appreciated from the corresponding holistic perspective, number likewise provi