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Showing posts from May, 2015

Differentiation and Integration (7)

I will finish this series of blog entries with a brief comparison as between the standard mathematical notions of differentiation and integration and the corresponding psychological notions as used in a developmental context. It is illuminating in this context to start with perhaps the best known simple example of differentiation in mathematics i.e. where y = x 2 . So here dy/dx (i.e. the differential) = 2x. What has happened in effect is that the number "2", which initially was designed to represent a dimensional notion now has been in effect reduced to its base number meaning. (Once again with reference to the general expression a b , a represent the base and b the dimensional number respectively). What is fascinating here, as I am once again demonstrating at present on my Riemann Hypothesis blog, is that both dimensional and base numbers are, in dynamic interactive terms, qualitative and quantitative with respect to each Therefore if as in conventional terms, we v...

Differentiation and Integration (6)

As we have seen, in basic terms, differentiation in development relates to the linear approach (1) in the discrete separation of opposite polarities in experience. By contrast integration in development relates to the corresponding circular approach (0) in the continuous uniting of polarities through recognition of their complementary nature. So the very processes of differentiation and integration, representing transformation with respect to development, can be fundamentally encoded in mathematical terms through the holistic binary system. However it is only with the onset of Band 6 (with respect to my map) that mature specialisation with respect to both to the differentiated (linear) and integrated (circular) aspects can take place, This then enables, through the unfolding of the 3 Levels of Band 6, the smooth interaction of both the dual (phenomenal) and nondual (spiritual) aspects to take place in experience, that is both extremely creative and immensely productive. Now I am...

Differentiation and Integration (5)

I will deal briefly here with the features of  Band 4. Basically, as this properly is of a nondual nature, the discrete identification of the 3 levels, designated here, ultimately lose any meaning. So properly it represents the integral extreme with respect to development, where both "higher" and "lower" levels are harmonised in two-way heterarchical terms (within levels), two-way holarchical terms (between levels) and ultimately both simultaneously in four-way heterarchical and holarchical terms (within and between levels). However as such continuous integration can only be approximated in  a relative manner with some degree of phenomenal rigidity remaining, there is therefore a limited sense in which a degree of differentiation can still be applied to these levels in a discrete manner. So Band 4 (Level 1) is associated with the transcendent extreme of contemplative type development, whereby the nondual spiritual nature of reality (as beyond all phenomenal fo...

Differentiation and Integration (4)

We now address the "higher" contemplative stages in the unfolding of the three main levels of Band 3. With Level 1, the gradual two-way integration of both (horizontal) external and internal polarities takes place (which I have detailed at length in previous entries). Though this seemingly initially takes place within a given level (as discretely understood), because of its inherently dynamic nature, it also starts to reopen new vertical links (this time in a mature fashion) with the earlier levels of Band 1.  In short, though earlier development will have been successful to a degree in achieving (conscious) differentiation with respect to the three main sets of polarities involved, proper (unconscious) integration will - of necessity - have been significantly bypassed in the process.  So it is only now in the light of the mature integration of these polarities (with Band 3) that one can now begin to successfully revisit Band 1, with a view to properly apprecia...

Differentiation and Integration (3)

I will briefly outline in this entry my approach to dealing with differentiation and integration with respect to the overall Spectrum of Development (which will be continued in subsequent entries). Band 1 (as with all Bands) contains 3 major levels which have a unique configuration with respect to the three fundamental polarities. The Lowest Level (which I term Level 3) starts from a state of total confusion of these polarities. Because no meaningful differentiation has taken place, no meaningful integration is yet possible. The first task is to achieve successful differentiation with respect to the diagonal polarities so that - literally - form in the acquired consciousness of a stable body mind, can be separated from emptiness. However this still represents a very instinctive type of development, where (real) consciousness is still greatly confused with the (imaginary) unconscious. Though to the extent that conscious differentiation takes place, we can identify the first lev...

Differentiation and Integration (2)

As is well known, the binary system, employing the two numerical digits of 1 and 0 is central to modern information technology. Just through the simple use of these two digits all information processes can potentially be encoded in binary form. I may clarify a little further that here we are using 1 and 0 in the standard accepted analytic manner (where they are absolutely separated from each other). However what is not yet at all appreciated is that the same two digits (1 and 0) have an equally important role with respect to the encoding of all transformation processes. However by contrast in this latter unrecognised context, the two digits are understood in a dynamic holistic manner (where ultimately 1 and 0 are identical with each other). Now the full spectrum of human development clearly represents an extremely important transformation process! Therefore the holistic binary system (that I have just mentioned) can thereby in principle be used to successfully encode all possi...

Differentiation and Integration (1)

Though this is certainly one of the most important issues with respect to development, it amazes me how little attention is given in Integral Studies as to the precise nature of both aspects. Basically, as I would see it, typically the emphasis is largely on the differentiated aspect of development in the hierarchical unfolding of distinctive stages in a somewhat discrete sense. Then in a way, that is never made very clear (from the differentiated perspective) one is expected somehow to integrate all these stages in a satisfactory manner. However the process of integration is uniquely distinct from that of differentiation, which can only be properly understood in a dynamic interactive manner. Thus ultimately we have three important sets of  polarities that condition all development. These are the horizontal polarities i.e. external and internal that operate within a given level. Then we have the vertical polarities i.e. whole and part that operate between different leve...

Diagonal Polarities

In this blog entry, I wish to establish the precise need for the Null Level (i.e. Band 3, Level 3) in development. Basically, the Circular Level (Band 3, Level 1) is devoted to achieving a certain specialisation with respect to the dynamic two-way interaction of the horizontal polarities (external and internal). These mainly operate within a given level of development. However because a necessary interaction necessarily exists as between both the horizontal and vertical polarities, attempted specialisation in this regard, leads to an unexpected vertical aspect also operating between stages, that are - relatively - "higher" and "lower" with respect to each other. Indeed this is one of the reasons why the experience of the "dark night of the soul" can initially prove so confusing. One starts off by thinking that one has now reached a "higher" level of contemplative spiritual development, requiring a significant amount of purgation (i.e. cle...

The Null Level

Using holistic geometrical terminology, I generally refer to the "higher" contemplative stage of Band 3 (i.e. Level 3) as the Null Level. So in this entry, I will try and explain its precise rationale. As we have seen, Level 1 (Band 3), which I refer to as the Circular Level, is profoundly characterised by the dynamic two-way interplay of external and internal polarities, with respect to conscious phenomena of form. In precise holistic mathematical terms, these relate to both the positive (+ 1) and negative (– 1) poles in a real manner, which are indirectly represented through the 2 roots of 1. So these roots express, in a reduced linear format, the inherent nature of 2-dimensional appreciation, that appears paradoxical (i.e. circular) from a conventional dualistic perspective. So the growing appreciation of such paradox, first in terms of more superficial perceptions and then later in terms of the most firmly tooted concepts, becomes the very means of dissolving phenom...

New Turning Point

When I look back at the 3 major Levels of Band 3 (from my personal perspective) I can clearly see now how they culminated in a crisis event that in each case was appropriate to the Level in question. So the first Level culminated with the death of my father. Closely associated with this was the corresponding "death" of my masculine ego identity which was greatly compounded at the time with employment difficulties and a withdrawal from all the customary activities (that earlier had supported this limited identity). Then the second Level culminated with the death of my mother. This in turn corresponded with the "death" of a fledgling female identity (in the unconscious recognition of the feminine side of my own personality). And this too was compounded in turn by the complete lack of romance in my life at the time together with growing isolation with respect to the network of personal friends that had earlier helped to foster my social identity. The period prece...

The Death of Romance

As stated in previous blog entries, in affective terms, my experience of Level 2 (Band 3) was characterised by very spiritually refined archetypal fantasies. The earlier type related largely to the transcendent aspect in the adoration, as it were, of a new found God with a feminine face (that radiated the platonic notion of beauty). The later type however related in complementary fashion to the more immanent aspect in deep attraction to an Earth Mother (with hopes of the most intimate physical fulfilment). And here, I began to better understand what an important contribution Freud had made with his Oedipus Complex. For the original most intimate relationship of a child is with its mother (in both physical and emotional terms). Therefore the root nature of sexual desire - especially for male children - expresses the primitive desire to be united physically and emotionally with the mother. However, quite rightly most cultures treat incest as taboo. So the young child in gai...