I will finish this series of blog entries with a brief comparison as between the standard mathematical notions of differentiation and integration and the corresponding psychological notions as used in a developmental context. It is illuminating in this context to start with perhaps the best known simple example of differentiation in mathematics i.e. where y = x 2 . So here dy/dx (i.e. the differential) = 2x. What has happened in effect is that the number "2", which initially was designed to represent a dimensional notion now has been in effect reduced to its base number meaning. (Once again with reference to the general expression a b , a represent the base and b the dimensional number respectively). What is fascinating here, as I am once again demonstrating at present on my Riemann Hypothesis blog, is that both dimensional and base numbers are, in dynamic interactive terms, qualitative and quantitative with respect to each Therefore if as in conventional terms, we v...