The finding that every number - indeed every mathematical - symbol can be given a coherent holistic as well as analytic interpretation is of the very first magnitude. In fact it reveals a fundamental unrecognised problem that lies at the very heart of Mathematics i.e. that its symbols cannot in fact be coherently understood in a static absolute fashion. Rather the number system - and indeed all mathematical relationships - should be properly interpreted in an inherently dynamic manner reflecting the interaction of complementary aspects. Now for some considerable time, I had been aware that we can define the natural number system in this complementary fashion (using Type 1 and Type 2 formulations that are the inverse of each other). So again the (analytic) Type 1 aspect is defined as, 1 1 , 2 1 , 3 1 , 4 1 ,……… Here the base ranges over the natural number sequence (with respect to the default dimensional value of 1). What this means in fact is that number ...