As we have seen, with the commencement of this stage (Band 3, Level 2), the real (conscious) polarities (external and internal) have already been substantially integrated in a nondual manner. This therefore leaves the unconscious free to powerfully project itself into experience in an imaginary fashion. By its very nature, this requires that symbols serve a dual purpose. From one perspective, they are interpreted in a localised real manner. However at a deeper level, they now radiate a universal meaning in an archetypal fashion. A degree of confusion is always initially present, where any undue attachment to the symbols in question, reduces their pure archetypal meaning (of an imaginary nature). So in contrast to earlier real attachments (i.e. to symbols understood in a directly conscious manner) we now have the more refined imaginary attachments (i.e. to symbols that are understood in an indirect conscious manner as archetypes of a universal spiritual m...